Bill Archer
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  • Bill's Blog

  • Dec 26th 2023 at 3:43 PM

    Team Nilfori Adds Nexus Snap to their Promotions!

    Team Nilfori Adds Nexus Snap to the Team promotions!!Team Nilfori, which stands for Next in Line for Income, has been promoting goDesana and now adds Nexus Snap to the team Agenda. Each person that joins either of the 2 or Both, will be put in line to receive 1 referral. This helps everyone to get an earning with our Help. 
    This will help build down, so it will make your matrix pay in both bigger than if you worked it alone.

    To find out more, go to my Team Capture Page and read some of the highlights of both. There are more highlights but wanted to keep the page shorter.

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Dec 26th 2023 at 3:43 PM
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